Difficulty Comprehending We Are In A Movie: Falling for the Propaganda

One of the most common difficulties for Patriots and Anons, which I see almost every day, is that many of us do not really understand, or have not fully “grokked”, what it means that “we are in a movie.” Why do I say this? Because almost every day, I see Patriots and Anons, who should know better by now, “falling into the movie”, and mistaking the White Hats’ movie for reality.

“We are in a movie” — stop falling for the propaganda!

Every time an Anon thinks that what is happening in Congress is real, or gets upset at what ByeDen is doing, or gets worried that Gavin Newsom or Big Mike will run for President, or thinks Trump might end up in jail, or thinks North Korea is about to blast us with nukes, or that Iran is really attacking US facilities, or is concerned that WEF is about to lock the world down and make us all eat insects, that Anon has fallen into the movie, fallen for the propaganda, and forgotten reality. And this is frankly rather silly for any Anon to be doing. We all should know better than that.

A recent example of Anons “falling into the movie” is this post https://t.me/ExistentialGateway/6138 also here on Twitter aka X https://twitter.com/Maerox/status/1752171131715330072

In that post, Maerox claims that Texas is seeking to become an independent nation.
Think about it: what would motivate Texas to secede and become an independent nation? The ByeDen clown show? 🤡 🤡 Which is a fake White Hats production? Why would a state really secede from the union, based on things that are not even real? Do you see that it would not be a viable White Hats Plan, if they only controlled the federal government, but not also the state governments?

At this point, 27 states have backed Texas in the “border war” between the ByeDen administration federal government, and Texas. https://law.georgia.gov/press-releases/2024-01-30/carr-joins-27-state-coalition-supporting-texas-border-defense-barriers
What do you imagine would happen with those 27 states if Texas really seceded? Could you see that they would likely secede as well?
Think about it: is the point of the White Hats movie to destroy the nation?

This is an example of Patriots and Anons failing to think things through, failing to remember that we are in a movie, getting caught up in the movie, falling into the movie, and then basically falling for the propaganda. 

Now there is potentially a way for it to work for Texas to actually secede from the union — as part of the movie — but this would only work if every other state did so as well, such that all the states seceded and then all the states re-constituted a new union, leaving the ByeDen clown show alone and marooned with no one to govern. Would all the other states secede too? Remember there are states like California which in the movie at least are “liberal”, even if that is not the case in reality. (California voted red in the 2020 election) As well, such a way of reforming the Republic, would pose problems that would not occur with a simple restoration of the Republic, such as the potential of creating a whole new Constitution. To me it makes more sense just to “out” the federal government for its unlawful and unconstitutional actions, and then hold it to account, rather than just leaving it behind. Also we’d have to ask: if a whole new nation formed, could it still prosecute people for treason, who committed treason in what would then be, a different nation?

It’s my view that that would not be the way to go, all states seceding and then reforming. 

It Is Apparently So Easy for Patriotsand Anons to Fall for Propaganda

Hence, I have concluded that “we are in a movie” is the most difficult concept for Patriots and Anons to understand. How many times have we heard or been told, by various Truthers, that which should be obvious if we connect the dots, that we are in a White Hats movie, which is happening in order to wake the normitudes? It must be hundreds of times that each of us has heard this, or read this. And yet for all those hundreds of times we’ve heard this, for many people, it’s just going in one ear and out the other: they hear it, but it seems that they have never really understood what this means. I struggle to comprehend how it’s possible that people could be unable to understand this concept, as it is not a difficult one. 

I’ve come to conclude that the difficulty people have in fully understanding this “movie” concept, clearly demonstrates the power of propaganda. Because what is happening, is that people who keep “falling into the movie”, are essentially just “falling into the propaganda” over and over again. In a sense, the White Hats psyop that is the “movie”, is a type of propaganda. It’s info being put out to the normies that is “fake” in a way, not really true, but represents something that IS true, which has mostly been completely hidden to their view. So it’s a psyop or propaganda used for a good purpose. But it is propaganda nonetheless. See the definition of propaganda here, which clarifies that yes, propaganda can be used for good purposes as well as bad ones. 

Those who keep “falling into the movie” and thinking that various scenes, stories, news that is part of the White Hat movie, are real, are demonstrating that they have a hard time staying grounded on the reality, albeit the often hidden reality, that they should know (because they’ve heard it, they’ve believed it) is behind the movie. What is essentially happening, is the same thing that has been happening for a long time with the normies (which, it helps to realize, all of us were at some time) who’ve fallen for the Cabal lies and propaganda. These people do not sufficiently able to navigate life based on what they have determined for themselves to be true, but instead, they keep disconnecting from their own truth, and believing that what is in the “news” is real. 

If You Fall for Propaganda, How Can You Criticize Normies Who Do That?

I want to point out the hypocrisy of Anons and Patriots falling for the White Hat psyop, the movie, the propaganda, while also criticizing normies who have fallen for the Cabal propaganda. You cannot legitimately criticize someone else for doing something that you also are doing. If you want to critique normies for drinking the kool-aid and believing the Cabal propaganda, then you’re going to have to stop falling into the White Hats movie and thinking that this propaganda is real. 

In case anyone is super confused, let me clarify: I’m not saying that the White Hats are not real and that all they are doing is a psyop, and that they aren’t actually taking down the Cabal. Anyone who’s paying attention and connecting the dots knows the Cabal HAS been dismantled, and continues to be dismantled, that this is the REALITY going on behind the facade and the movie. The “White Hats psyop” I refer to is the “movie” that the White Hats are putting on, to intentionally awaken the Normies. 

Tip for Navigating the Matrix and the Movie

I know we live in very challenging times, because never before has humanity been in such a heavy crossfire of competing sets of pure propaganda. So, I will say that this does pose difficulties. However, when you assert that you are “awake”, you’re saying that you are capable of dealing with this matrix landscape, and being guided by your inner guidance, discernment and wisdom, and that you realize that most of what is in the news, put out by either side, is fake. 

If on Monday you realize most of the news is fake, this means that you don’t wake up on Tuesday, forget to put your brains into your head before you leave your house, and fall into the movie again, thinking that what you see in the news is real. Get it? I hope so! 

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