Is All This Stuff Christian?

I want to address an issue that has arisen, and will continue to arise in the Patriot and/or Freedom and/or Anon communities, regarding religion.

As preface to this topic, it behooves us all to notice that arguments over religion, such as whose is the “correct” religion, whose is the “wrong” one, have been among the greatest causes of war, atrocities and genocide upon our planet. People have been censored, shut down, persecuted, or subject to “inquisitions” over religion, and many millions have suffered and/or died over religion and religious arguments, under attempts to impose the “correct” religion or beliefs upon others, or to demonize those of some religions.

In modern times, we have also been under serious attack by a massive propaganda machinery, leading us into an Orwellian moment such as has likely never before existed on our planet, where most everything of significance has been nearly 180 degrees reversed via this machinery. Lies are spun as truth, while truth on vital subjects is overwhelmingly suppressed and spun as lies. And the propaganda that’s being used, has been masterful and often subtle, and put in place over years, decades, so that even very intelligent people have been conned and taken in by the brainwashing.

Under such conditions as these, it can be difficult indeed to unravel the knots of lies, fiction and propaganda, and find a clear path, to walk forward in wisdom and compassion, and navigate the territory to set up a rightful government for ourselves and our children.

As we proceed towards the restoration of our Republic, and restore rightful, lawful governance in the nation, one of the issues that will naturally arise and cause some conflict, is that relating to religion. One may perceive what could appear to be a “Christian bias” in the movement. There are Christian prayers said at meetings, there is Christian symbolism, and indeed many in the freedom movement feel that the whole movement is one led by “the Christian God”. Those of non-Christian religions may resent this, or feel uncomfortable with this.

I want to explore some issues relating to this.

Background and Context

First, I want to point out that those who founded America, (which is NOT the same thing as “those who first lived in America”, since as we know, the indigenous peoples of the Americas were here long before Europeans arrived) came from a Judeo-Christian background and culture. The nation known as “America”, the America of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, was not a product of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, but of the people from a Judeo-Christian background: a largely Christian group. While arguments can be made about the ethics of building a new nation on a land that wasn’t exactly “empty”, but one which was in certain ways stolen from its original inhabitants, nevertheless I think we all have to admit that at this late date, it’s unlikely that 300+ million Americans are going to suffer themselves to be evicted from their country by Indian tribes, or allow the nation that the Founding Fathers built here, to be obliterated under a call to return to governance via tribal agreements among nomadic tribes.

We’d like to see the first Americans treated better, but then we’d also like to see ALL Americans treated better. And by the way, modern-day American Indians (I do not use the term “Native Americans” insofar as it can be argued that anyone born in America, such as myself, is a Native American) are not as sovereign as they ought to really be. Just like the rest of us, they have had their rights encroached upon by the sea jurisdiction, as can be discerned here for instance: where it’s stated that “While tribal sovereignty is limited today by the United States under treaties, acts of Congress, Executive Orders, federal administrative agreements and court decisions…”
Well, none of that is acceptable. In my view, the Indian tribes should be completely sovereign of the federal sea jurisdiction government, just as the states are. In other words, not limited by “acts of Congress” or de facto court decisions.

Since our nation was founded by a group of people who were largely Christian, this is the religious orientation or cultural “mythos” at our roots. Though our nation can and has changed and evolved since 1776, the context in which we were formed cannot change.

While some may find some aspects of the Christian religion/s, stories, culture, and mythos to be “oppressive” or intolerant, hegemonic, dogmatic or violent, sexist, or have other criticisms, (and indeed, while we can also find plenty of evil within past or present time Christian churches and leaders!), nevertheless, there are some very positive aspects of this “mythos”. I use the word “mythos” instead of “religion” because first of all it’s not clear to me that Jesus ever intended to found a “religion.” Secondly, coming from the psychological, archetypal orientation that I do which perceives symbol, story and metaphor as deeper psychological elements than words on the surface, I believe it’s the mythos or motifs of the Christian story which form us, rather than particular words, dogmas, creeds, teachings. What we have in all religions is a set of stories, a set of values, a set of traditions, a set of ethics, history, culture and archetypes, which in sum create a context of meaning. Eg see here:

Some of the most positive aspects to the Christian mythos, involve the its support of the growing importance of the individual. This significance of the individual begins to be seen in the Judaism preceding it. The Judaic God spoke to individuals, such as Moses and the prophets, and not just through priests to the people. More, the Old Testament God spoke with a “still small voice”, and spoke to people who were not necessarily politically or socially “important”. This Old Testament God thus began to honor the humble individual, as apart from the context of his or her community. The connection to God began to be understood as something ethically and spiritually compelling, having greater import than the social mores, traditions or laws of one’s community. This set the stage for the breakthrough of the individual, within Western psychology and consciousness, away from being “ruled” by the culture and traditions of the community in which he or she found themselves: a freedom to rebel against majority rule, a freedom to prophesy and be responsible to God alone within the stillness of one’s own heart. This establishment of an interiority in the soul, an inner chamber to communicate with God, was something new, in the development of human consciousness, that represented growth from the pagan traditions preceding it.

In other words, what occurred was a movement away from an early “collectivism” towards what has become viewed as “Western individualism.” Arguments about the alleged dangers of individualism as seeded into our universities and beyond by the globalist criminal cabal via its destructive identity politics ideology notwithstanding, the development of the individual into the ability to make decisions based on their own conscience, moral or ethical values, relational values, and other elements, must be viewed as progress, as compared to the collectivist orientation. This is explained in depth in the book Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck, with his 7 to 9 levels of memes describing human moral and psychological development. The lower levels of human development involve a motivation from survivalist impulses and a tribal mentality. The higher levels of development free us from being required to conform to our tribe or community, or outer authorities like “government”. Those of us in the health freedom movements and Assembly, the patriots in the nation, should easily see what has happened around us in terms of people who feel compelled to conform. They are not aware of what is happening in the world, in part because their pull to conformity keeps them trapped in needing to cow tow to the propaganda being issued by their government.

Through his teachings and his own relationship with his disciples, Jesus deepened this importance of the individual. Over time, Christian figures and thinkers have developed the significance of the individual, with the 12th through 14th centuries in history representing a particularly important time in this development, as indicated in this doctoral dissertation by Maureen Heath:

Continuing on the theme of the development of the prominence of the individual, from pg 65 in that dissertation:

The inner world for Augustine is not a realm of silence but one of dialogue; he
talks to himself, in fact he upbraids himself frequently, and he talks to God. This form of
prayer is not a request for something, or a prayer of gratitude, but a dialogue with God as
if he were a long-lost friend who can help you work through problems; it is uniquely
different than the pagan, Jewish predecessors or early Christian predecessors and helps
validate the worth of the individual, another key evolutionary transition marker.

Ms. Heath also notes a turning point that came with the Protestant reformation and Martin Luther. From page 175:

Luther’s focus on returning Christianity back to its roots brought it back to the
interiority that distinguished it from the pagan religions it superseded. That personal
affirmation of human dignity, based on the belief that God became man to ensure man’s
salvation, was an epochal change in focus towards the individual that had been lost with
the growth of the Institutional Church’s hierarchal structure, which had become highly

The uniqueness of each one of us can shine forth when we are freed from the demand to conform to the group

On page 102 of that doctoral dissertation begins the most interesting subject for us, as we begin to see how Christianity’s celebration of the importance of the individual, led to the doctrine of “natural rights” of the person, eg, the beginning of Common law.
Many in the American States Assembly and community of State Nationals, will say that Common law is rooted in the Ten Commandments, which may have been a compilation of Mesopotamian laws and treaties, or a Mosaic development, a revelation to Moses at Mt Sinai. In any case it is viewed as belonging to the earlier Judaism, not a product of the Christian mythos.
However, the translation of such a set of ethics into laws of a nation, and the concept of innate rights of an individual, under God, took a while longer to occur. As stated on pg 104 of the study,

The idea of natural rights is one of the most important developments in Western
individualism and the underlying basis of modern political theory. Christianity drove this
idea of rights, for as Ockham explains in The Work of Ninety Days, a natural right, or
right of heaven is the confluence of right reason being in harmony with things revealed to
us by God (Ockham 1995, 50-51)….Ockham extended his idea further and became one of the first to propose that the legitimacy of government is derived from the consent of the individuals governed…”

Thus we can understand the founding of America, with its principles of natural law, common law, and individual rights and liberties, as issuing out of the context of a Christian mythos, and it is unlikely that America would have been founded with these principles had the Founding Fathers come from a place with a very different religious context or mythos, say a Hindu one or a Buddhist one.

To say this is not to argue for a “superiority” of the Christian mythos, but is rather an attempt to connect these threads. What is advantageous in one context, is not necessarily so in another. As well, the point needs to be made, particularly against the illogic of an identity politics which can all too easily find “wrong” in whatever or whomever is white, European, or Christian, that no amount of blame, hatred or anti-Christian venom is going to change the facts of our founding history. No number of arguments will ever change America into a nation founded in a Buddhist or Islamic framework or mythos, for instance.

Given this context of our founding, and the set of laws and principles that came into being in our nation at this time, it is natural that we would still honor the Christian mythos that played so large a role in this story, and indeed continues to inform us and play an important role in helping us understand what has transpired since our founding and transpires today. That we honor this original context by no means implies an intolerance, and does not mean we cannot be open to other religions or mythos, other cultures or perspectives, other values and insights, and evolve as a nation from here: which in a sense means to evolve from the year 1860, since we are obliged to return to that time to “take up where we left off”, before our nation was stolen from us through the great fraud that I’ve written about elsewhere.

As well, it must be recognized merely as a practical matter, that the largest spiritual/religious community in America, is a Christian one. Just on the level of statistics, our nation is a Christian one, which itself does not argue for a “superiority”, but rather to begin the argument I will continue below, that it’s ridiculous to flinch from something that is so commonplace. One appears quite disingenuous to take the posture that one is “triggered” by the presence of cultural elements, symbols, language from a Christian mythos which is everywhere present across our nation.
The globalist cabal, which I begin to discuss in the paragraphs below, has attempted to use this very omnipresence, to wage hidden war against the Christian mythos, via the demonic identity politics ideology that frames any cultural majority, or anything associated with white people, or Europeans, or Christians, as innately “wrong” or implicated in crimes of “oppression.” But people around the world are waking up to how they have been hoodwinked by such demonic ideology, and how the cabal tells lies that attempt to lay blame upon others for the crimes that it itself perpetrates upon humanity.

The Present Time

I want to now address our present time situation and show how the Christian mythos helps us understand this time as well.

As most who are reading this are well aware, there is a group of globalist criminals, whom we call a cabal, who have been attempting to take over the entire planet and run it as a “New World Order” totalitarian government. I want to suggest that this is a massive evil of such gigantic scale and proportions as the people on earth have never seen before. This is truly the greatest crime against humanity, ever to occur in the history of humanity.

In fact this evil is so immense and huge, that its very enormity is what makes it hard for so many to see.

Many people have a very hard time believing that such enormous evil could exist on this earth, an earth in which they wake up in the morning and have a quiet cup of tea, hug their children, go outside and smell the fresh air and feel the warm sun on their skin, and, even if they have to put on a mask to do so, go to work and do other “ordinary things.”
The cognitive dissonance between experiencing “life as normal” and the idea that at the back of all of this, is a monstrous incipient totalitarian government intent on reducing them to slaves and controlling them with technology or drugs forcibly injected into them, and gradually taking every single thing they own away from them….is so hard for many to see. Even though Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the other globalist criminal psychopaths have been telling us pretty clearly what they intend to do, for a while now.

I want to suggest that those who have developed their own worldview through the “Christian mythos” are likely to have an easier time recognizing the evil that presently exists in the world, than those whose worldview has been built through a different religion, set of values or cultural mythos. And thus, more readily seeing this evil, these people will be more able to comprehend it within their own religious context or mythos, and join together to fight against it.

And by the way, for those who aren’t aware of this, a good part of the monstrous evil going on in the world now includes evil within Christian churches. Word is from “Truthers” that the Catholic Pope, Pope Francis, was apparently arrested last year in connection with crimes against humanity, as it’s said he was a head of the cabal’s human trafficking around the world. (It’s said that this fact is being hidden through the use of a “double” for the Pope) As well, many Christian pastors have been connected with child trafficking, allegedly including Rick Warren, Mike Erre, Greg Laurie, Toby Mac and more.

Many churches are connected with, if not owned and run by the Illuminati, which are connected with the globalist criminal cabal.

The evil spread across our land is spread very wide and very deep. If it effects nearly all of government, (Julian Assange said that if all the corruption in government were removed, we would be taking out 98% of government) one can imagine it would effect “Christian” churches as well. We may well be safest with God, when we have a direct line with him, unimpeded by pastors, priests and ministers who could be wolves in sheep’s clothing. The outer appearance is deceiving, as Jesus said: “… ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”

There are references to Satan, understood to be an embodiment of evil, in the Old Testament, but the New Testament contains many more references to Satan, and contains as well the “finale” of the book of Revelation. A part of the Bible that used to puzzle me, hard to understand: but given what is happening now in the world, I’m finding the book of Revelation open right up.
I have had a hard time developing my understanding of what “evil” is. I have tended to view “evil” through a psychological rather than a mythological or religious lens: as human psychological failing. Which could become a larger sociological failing through structures allowing its growth. It was not until seeing the events of this last year, that I began to give credence to the idea of a cosmological or religious sphere in which good and evil were playing out.

Given that the Christian mythos provides us with a framework (and themes and motifs) both to understand the cultural context of our nation’s founding, as well as the celebration of the individual which gave rise to the concepts of natural law and individual God-given rights, and then also a framework by which to understand an enormous evil, it should not be surprising to find what we have in America now: that those most central in the fight to restore our nation to its lawful roots, its greatest patriots, are often Christians, or people comfortable with the context of this Christian mythos.

For these reasons, I view the Christian story or Christian mythos, if not the “Christian religion”, as a “privileged position” from which to view our nation’s founding, its historical trajectory to this point, as well as the grave evil that has cast its shadow across our planet at this particular time. Every religion is likely to have its own uniquenesses which allow it to address particular issues or situations with lesser or greater aptness or strength. For instance, were the subject of our discussion that of enlightenment, we quite possibly would find the Buddhist, Hindu or Yogic religions/philosophies to be more pertinent. Yet these three approaches do not inform us as well, about the nature of evil, or show it in story on the world stage. It is also possible that the Christian mythos, with its Old Testament historical figures who fight against injustice and Jesus who defies the reigning religious orthodoxy of his time, even going so far as to tip over tables in the temple, and yell at the moneychangers there, better prepares us to be “spiritual warriors” than, for instance, a comfy Westernized Buddhism oriented to sitting on cushions or doing walking meditation in silence in the woods, that seems to evade good/evil dichotomies and sets up a paradigm where it may be much more difficult to comprehend large scale evil.

This may relate to the next point to be made. As I’ve watched what has been happening in America and nearby over the last year, what I’ve seen is that it’s largely been Christians who have alone dared to stand up to government overreach, and hold religious services when their governments unlawfully attempted to forbid them to do so. Calvary Chapel in San Jose was fined over holding indoor services when the government told them they could not gather:

A Sonoma county church was likewise fined:

And many others:

and churches in Canada likewise: and and and and

A Canadian pastor named Artur Powlowski became an alternative social media hero after yelling at police to GET OUT of his church, calling them Nazis, gestapo, fascists, and psychopaths.

But his heroism did not come without its cost, as the Canadian government sought to make an example of him:

There were also Orthodox Jews who stood up to the bullying of an overreaching authoritarian government:

However, I was unable to find a single news article demonstrating resistance to the overreaching government by Ashrams, Meditation Centers, Hindu or Buddhist centers or organizations, or other types of religious centers. I did find one yoga center that refused to follow “covid guidelines”, but that center is a business rather than a religious institution.
Granted that there are many more churches in America and Canada, than centers for other religions, yet I found the case of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California to be sadly illustrative of what I suspect is the case with many ostensibly spiritual leaders: namely, they have utterly failed to demonstrate real wisdom and courage in the face of a massively overreaching government issuing utterly unlawful authoritarian “mandates, and in the face of a grave and great evil, and have simply lied down and let their own rights and those of their community be trampled.
The same thing is happening at Esalen, another retreat and meditation center in California.

Spirit Rock Meditation Center remained closed to indoor gatherings throughout the last 1.5 years, and when it opens on August 1st 2021, their “covid protocols” page indicates that they will, quite unlawfully, (and in fact — given that mandating the fake “vaccination” is a violation of the Nuremberg code— quite likely also criminally ), require all staff, all teachers, and all retreatants to be fully vaccinated and show proof of such vaccination status, in order to come onto the grounds of their facility. Ditto Esalen.

Esalen is the same:

And one can find the same in many other meditation centers.

White Hats Emphasize Christian Themes and Symbols

In addition to what I’ve already mentioned…we can see the White Hats using various Christian symbols and themes in some of their messaging. Not in the Q drops per se, but in places like the Debt Clock which the White Hats now run. 


In summary, I think it will help us all to realize that the circumstances we find ourselves in, have an historical context, as well as a cultural context that grew out of the Christian mythos in which our Founding Fathers were immersed. It’s important not to create a cultural situation in the Assembly which is too heavily Christian or seems to be exclusively Christian and suspicious or hostile toward others, or other worldviews/religious themes, or turns a religious orientation or mythos into a “gatekeeping” function. Yet it will also be equally inappropriate, as well as rude, to position oneself to try to gain ground with the politics of offense. It would be inappropriate to allow oneself to be “triggered” by Christian content, stories or symbolism in this context. We all need to be “big” people now, putting on our “big boy/girl pants”, not the small people that the cabal would like us to be, constantly triggered by people because they don’t agree with us, harping at each other over trivia and complaints about tiny “offenses” and slights.
Am I saying there will not be any “bigots” in the patriot community or Assembly? Of course not. We are an imperfect people. You’ll encounter bigots and narrow-minded people, people whose views may have been formed in a small and provincialist circle, or people whose ideas you don’t like, and people who don’t like your ideas. The “common people” may have much more common sense than the elites, which is so needed now, but we should be wary of viewing one group of people as “all right” while viewing others as “all wrong”.
For instance, I found it disturbing to read posts on Twitter last year, by Christian patriots who claimed that the Harry Potter fiction series was dangerous, and was an “entryway” to Satanism. (!!!!) Madyson Marquette has also had Christians posting warnings about yoga on her Telegram channel, claiming yoga is “demonic”.

These views are ridiculous and need to be called out as such. They reflect an unacceptable intolerance of other religious/spiritual paths, or even a demonization of children’s fictional fantasy stories, and a tendency to demonize what lies outside a Christian sphere so narrow that I would suggest it cannot really be termed “Christian.” We should not be calling evil what God has made good. As stated in Isaiah 5:20, woe to those who call evil, what is good. And Acts 11:9 “But the voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’ “

God loves the faculty of our imagination, which he gave us, and intended us to use to our benefit and his. Stories of magic and wonder are naturally part of our imaginal journeying. Whether yoga is practiced for health or as a spiritual path or religion, it is not “demonic”, and we should condemn those who say such things. We should never support such demonizing of other paths, for God has given many pathways to find him, and we should respect them all.

We are constantly challenged to be “bigger than” those we don’t like, rather than locked in battle with them. The world to come is hopefully not one where we argue from offense and can declare ourselves “successful” in an argument when we failed to address the content of the matter, but instead just made ourselves feel smug by putting others down and dismissing them.

Looking again at the demonization of Christianity through the removal of religion from the public sphere and through “identity politics”: when we look around and survey the end result thereof, we can imagine that the effort to reduce the “footprint” of Christian religion or mythos in our nation’s functioning, was likely orchestrated by the cabal. Under the guise of “diversity” or “multiculturalism” or the ostensible goal of trying not to offend others, we’ve seen religion, God and prayer virtually disappear from the whole public sphere. In place of the Christian mythos which gave us stories, wisdom, and ethical guidance to continue developing our nation, we’ve had disturbing and divisive ideologies appear, often starting out in universities and then spreading out through society, which for all practical purposes may be viewed as “alternate religions” which slip in “under the radar” of an ostensibly “religion free” public square. These are forced upon us with an ubiquitous and pervasive proselytizing. Things like identity politics, Critical Race Theory, “multiculturalism”, Marxism and communism, radical trans ideologies, the theory that one “is” whatever gender one claims to be, the forcing upon others of anti-scientific nonsense, the sexualization of children, and the spectre of increasingly sexualized and inappropriate content directed at children, is all cause for grave concern. This is what we get when God is pushed aside. We need not be fundamentalist Christians or intolerant of other religious paths to say this. There’s a way forward which allows us to respect and honor other religions, and not “demonizing” those of other paths, while at the same time recognizing racist, divisive and dangerous ideologies, and also giving “privileged place” to the Judeo Christian mythos based on its context in our nation’s founding, and in the development of Common law.

We can all hopefully come to understand that while the Christian mythos determined the setting in which our “American experiment” began, we by no means are limited to this Christian framework alone as we move forward. In fact, (as one example) there are several “new age” type spiritual perspectives which offer new insights we might gain on this whole situation. One example of that may be in helping us understand “near death experiences” and what is shared by those who have experienced these travels to the afterlife. Many who’ve gone there have returned to say, for instance, that “there is no religion in the afterlife…only God.” We would be wise to consider this a type of spiritual challenge, allowing us to realize that the tools we need here in this life, we may be able to let go of, once we travel on through that Great Doorway to our real home. “New age” viewpoints can also help for instance with how to put in context “people from other planets”, since evidence and stories have increasingly come to light about UFOs, ETs, and even people from other planets who may have come and be coming to help us. Apart from informing us about angels and spirits, the Christian mythos and writings do not necessarily shed light on such matters.
In restoring our nation, we aim to build a nation for everyone, those of all races and national origins, all religions and spiritual paths, as well as those who are non-religious.

Understanding all this, appreciating the ability of the Christian mythos to allow us a framework through which to try to comprehend the grave evil before us, and comprehend what is happening on our earth while still remaining hopeful and not allowing our joy to be stolen, will I believe be invaluable to us in this time, regardless of our own personal religious or spiritual orientation.

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