Restoring our Republic: How is This Done? By the Military.

Many if not most people in the Patriot community have come to realize that our legitimate US government has not just gone “off the rails”, it has literally vanished. Fraud and crime have been perpetrated, by a “government” that was merely a Cabal-run Deep State, over the decades, and essentially ever since the nation was founded, but more so in the last 160 years, to the point where it’s not an exaggeration to say that we lost our Republic.

So then the question for many has been, how then do we get our Republic back, which was stolen right out from under us?

For about a year I participated in the American States Assembly, led by Anna von Reitz, and Anna had several times expressed her view on how our Republic could be restored. She wrote about that for instance in this article

Where she said:

There are only three ways for the States to be called into Session:

(1) the Federation President (there hasn’t been one elected since 1856);
(2) a quorum of nine States of the Union (Texas was the only one left in Session, so they couldn’t raise a quorum.); (3) the hereditary Head of State can call the States into Session (and that seemed such an unlikely possibility that the Powers That Be didn’t even consider it). The impossible has happened. The United States of America has come back from the dead and summoned its member States into Session.

Anna repeated this info with slightly different wording here:

A side note about this particular article: this is yet another of so many examples of how while Anna often directs people in her Assembly to “take the high road” and treat each other with courtesy and civility, she herself too often “takes the low road” and engages in name-calling and nasty behavior towards others. Thus, among other things, Anna frequently shows herself to be a hypocrite, unable or unwilling to follow the guidance she presents for others. This among several other reasons demonstrates why in my view, although she has some skills as a researcher (but not as a scholar) she is in my opinion not at all suited to be leading an organization.

Anna presents the 3 ways again as follows:

There are three ways for our States of the Union to be called back into Session.
(1) The first option to bring the States back into Session —- nine States of the Union call their Sister States back into Session. This was not possible because only one State of the Union remained functioning in 1998: Texas.
(2) The second option is that The President of The United States of America (Unincorporated) could call the States back into Session. That was not possible because the States have to be in Session to conduct an election for President and the last President left office during the Civil War.
(3) So the third and final option, was for the Hereditary Head of State under whose flags and seal the Fleet sails and under whose sovereignty the Land Jurisdiction is established, may call the States into Session. My husband, much to his loathing, has risked his life and mine and our entire family, to try to give you back what you have thrown away in ignorance, a precious birthright that we have struggled to preserve for you. (Anna’s claim is that her husband James Clinton Belcher is Hereditary Head of State)

There are two obvious and rather significant problems with Anna’s claim about these 3 methods to restore the Republic. The first one is that she provides no evidence whatsoever, such as source citations, for her claim. Where did she get this information from? As usual with her work, she doesn’t make any effort to support her claims. She doesn’t use a proper scholarly method. She just makes claims and demands that people believe what she says, insisting on her correctness. Sorry but this will not do, Anna.

The second problem, is that none of these 3 methods are workable. For a time I was willing to be open to the possibility of Anna’s “miraculous” Hereditary Head of State fix. But common sense has since clarified to me that it’s not do-able to deliver an entire nation into the hands of a random person such as her husband James, who may have none of the skills needed for this position, and who by the way has almost never been seen, and is rumored by some to stay in his bedroom all the time. His wife Anna has appointed herself as a dictatorial “Fiduciary”, who apparently can never be removed from her office, such that we end up with either a theocratic or communist dictatorship. Just no.

Now, how likely does it seem to you, that a nation could be completely “stolen”, and fraud and crime perpetrated over decades, and that there would be no way to recover this nation?

Anyone studying Truthers and Anons, and reports of what the White Hats and a World Alliance of combined military powers might be doing to save the world from the Cabal, may perceive that there are actually some other options on the table, for how to save not just our nation but the whole world. And those options, are military.

You see, there’s something quite important that Anna has missed in her assessment. Which is that the US Military, which was formed and developed its own law in 1775 prior to our independence in 1776 and prior to the signing of the US Constitution(s), has as part of its mission, the duty to defend our nation against enemies foreign and domestic. See this website for information on the start of the formation of the US military with the “Continental Army” in 1775:

In fact, the military is and has been working to restore our Republic, actually according to some, for several decades, perhaps since the C I A assassinated John F Kennedy…which by the way, is information that has now been released to the public. In a completely Cabal-controlled nation and world, you would not have a Tucker Carlson on FOX news telling the nation that the C I A killed a sitting president.

In other words, that our own government, killed our own president. As well, in a totally Cabal-controlled world, you would not have the Twitter Files come out, which reveal that the Deep-State asset known as the FBI has been controlling Twitter, ensuring that certain important truth stays off of Twitter and Deep State lies and propaganda stay on there. See my article on that here:

These are just two of many many clues that even though the Cabal has not yet been wholly dismantled, the Cabal is not in complete control, in the nation, or in the world. The fact that these things have has come out, together with the thousands of other clues available to those who spend the time to look for the truth, reveal that “things are going on in the background” as the Cabal is being taken down. Those things in the background, are military in nature.

Anna and many others in the Common Law communities, have referred to Donald Trump as simply another president of the US Corporation, and suggested that because of that, he has no valid authority to do anything. They assert that he’s just part of the criminal system.

However, such claims reveal an inability to grasp the complexity of what is going on now, in this biggest war that has ever happened on earth, and the amount of deception and theatre, the amount of “we are in a movie” that is and has been going on.

Based on what I’ve read from Derek Johnson and others, it’s my belief that Donald Trump was not actually “officially” elected as President in 2016 as many believe. He quite possibly has never been the President of the US Corporation. I believe that there actually was no legitimate presidential election in 2016, or 2020…these were simply “theatrical” productions by the White Hats, and sting operations, orchestrated to catch cabal criminals perpetrating election fraud and treason.

Rather, I believe what Derek Johnson asserts, that the US Military covertly took over the nation in or around 2016, as part of the White Hat operations (White Hats are led by a group of US Military generals), and while they’ve been working in the background doing operations and setting up structures to allow them to take down the entire Cabal both in our nation and around the world, they created a “movie”. In this “movie” it appeared that Donald Trump was the President. This was his assigned role. We have continued with the “movie” and will remain in it, until such time as the military is ready to commence overt operations.

Military takeover of corrupt regimes would be portrayed by the Deep State media as a “coup d’etat” but this is exactly opposite what has actually occurred. It has been the Deep State which actually perpetrates the coup and steals nations from the people, and recent military takeovers in a couple nations have been attempts to restore legitimate governments. The Cabal always lies and accuses others of doing what they themselves are doing. They commit crimes and try to frame innocents as the ones who are committing crimes. Lying is a way of life for the Cabal criminals.

We saw the military take over in Myanmar or Burma, in February 2021 when the military stepped in to oust President Win Myint, after the corrupt government engaged in election fraud. We are seeing the military make the first moves towards taking over the country in Brazil, after the election fraud perpetrated by the Cabal there, where they tried to get rid of Bolsonaro and install their criminal puppet Lula. The Brazil military is working with the World Alliance military to rid Brazil of criminal Deep State figures as well as criminal C I A groups working with the Deep State to support the corrupt and criminal leadership there.

The fact that the military is acting covertly in our nation and around the world at this time, and not overtly, is a huge stumbling block for many. Many people have the mindset that if they can’t see overt action, then there are “no facts, no evidence” that the military is doing what I’m suggesting. However, this is totally backwards thinking. That way of thinking sets the cart before the horse, seriously underestimates the complexity of the massive worldwide takedown project at hand, and also arrogantly presumes to know more than highly experienced military strategists.

The military is not doing the Cabal takedown with the goal of convincing you or I or anyone in particular, that it is doing what it is doing!! Proving anything to us is NOT their goal!! Rather, the goal of the military is primarily to take out the Cabal not only in our nation, but around the whole world. So if you’re expecting to be spoon-fed “proof” and “evidence” of what they are doing, you’re taking a very self-centered as well as arrogant and presumptuous approach to this. Perhaps quite unknowingly, you are acting as if this war should be conducted according to your own wants and needs. Newsflash: this biggest world war in world history will not be waged based on your personal needs or preferences. The military will be doing what they need to do, in order to accomplish the incredible and enormous feat that they have set out to do: period, end of story.

The military actually have attempted to give us info about what they are doing, in the Q drops, which began on October 28 2017, and which number 4966 at this point in time. A number of ungrateful people dismiss as a fake “psyop”, this enormous and unprecedented effort to keep Patriots appraised of the plan via “hints” that do not do what Trump said would never again happen, namely telegraph our moves and plans to our enemies. Yet what the Q drops do is give a lot of valuable and encouraging info that would support us in doing our own research. So, if you’re both demanding info about what is happening behind the scenes, and simultaneously dismissing the info that the military has given you about what’s happening behind the scenes, then you’re being both dishonest and disingenuous, and shame on you.

It’s unlikely that anyone but those in the White Hat inner circle know everything about how all this was done or is being done. But some with military background, have more insights. I have found that one of the best people to listen to and follow for an explanation for how this all works, is Derek Johnson, a military veteran, who can be found on Telegram here: @rattletrap1776

In particular, Derek wrote these things of note:

Military formed in 1775 before US itself was independent, and before the US Constitution:

So the upshot of all this, is that we are NOT existing under a fraudulent and Cabal-run “US Corporation” at the moment. Donald Trump is not and has not been the mere “President of a corporation, like MacDonald’s”. Rather, we exist under military occupancy, and military control, and this has been the case at least since January 2021 (when the ByeDen actor was “inaugurated”) , and quite possibly, as Derek theorizes, since 2016. The Republic is and has been undergoing a process of restoration for some time, in a manner mostly hidden from view: but there have been many clues, for those who’ve been willing to do the work to find those clues. If you haven’t done any work to find and/or take a look at all those clues (and there are thousands of them), then you really have no basis to be expressing an informed opinion on this matter. You may have a biased and uninformed opinion, but that’s of no relevance, to those seeking the TRUTH in all of this.

There is no need for any popular or grassroots effort of ordinary people to “restore the Republic”, because the US military in connection with the White Hats has been restoring the Republic, albeit in a covert manner which can’t be clearly seen. Note, I am not saying that the entire US Military is and has been under White Hat control. There are and have been Cabal controlled elements of the US military, actually quite significant ones. But the fact that some of the military is under Cabal control, doesn’t mean that all of it is.

The fact that people like Anna, and many others who are stuck in the idea that some grassroots movement needs to save the nation (and by extension, the world…), lack the intelligence, discernment, capacity for flexible and in-depth thinking that would allow them to perceive the clues (which have been presented by so many Truthers) that suggest that this White Hat-led military occupancy is happening, or even that it is at least possible, shows their significant personal limitations.

In Anna’s case, her blind spot in this regard may also point to a significant egotistical or narcissistic bent, as it might be that she’s “unable” to perceive the military occupancy, because she feels that no one should be saving the nation but Anna herself, no one should be saving the whole world, but Anna. This actually is what her claims amount to, if you analyze them and their upshot. And this way of seeing things is stunningly narcissistic.

None of us know how “this movie ends”, or when the military will go overt. But many Truthers are confident that it’s likely we will see a global, synchronized movement of the whole World Alliance military powers (the combination of 30 nations’ militaries) stepping out all at once, taking down all illegitimate governments around the world, happening in a very swift, “shock and awe” blitzkrieg type manner. Sudden and swift, like a thunderbolt. This would make sense and fits with strategies described in The Art of War by Sun Tzu, which the Q drops point to, and which I’ve previously recommended to those wanting to understand what is going on and why we “are in a movie.”

So, everyone can calm down and cease worrying that “nothing’s happening”, or thinking that it’s on us ordinary folks to take on the burden of forming little grassroots organizations to restore not only our nation but every nation, and basically dismantle the Cabal around the whole world. The idea that a bunch of grassroots organizations would have any hope of taking down such an enormous, powerful, lethal foe, is poignantly naive. Particularly given the armamentarium of the Cabal, not only actual physical weaponry and bioweaponry, but also the weapons of propaganda and brainwashing, and demonizing of truth-tellers as conspiracy theorists, the vilification of those insisting on Constitutional rule as archaic white supremacists who are behind the times, etc — all of which they’ve used so well to deceive so many.

Yes, large protests are useful and important, but when you’re dealing with evil individuals who have no hesitation to kill millions or even billions of people, it should be obvious that military might is key, and so quite likely, whoever controls the military power in the world, controls the outcome. We’ve seen the result that came from millions of protesters in Washington DC on January 6 2021. The Cabal can easily use the F B I and C I A, as well as Antifa assets to set up agents provocateurs within protests, and have those protests depicted as “dangers to democracy” full of “domestic terrorists” by its total control of the Mainstream Media. We similarly saw Trudeau shut down and vilify the trucker protests in Canada, even moving to criminally prosecute many of those protesters.

It’s not that We the People have no role in saving our Republic: we do, and one of those is what I’m doing right here as I type these words. Getting the word out is one role. The dissemination of truth is important so that when the military does step out, more people are ready for this, which can prevent a dangerous instability or the danger of civil unrest.

We are so fortunate that the White Hats have arranged things, so that the greatest military power in the world, is working to save the whole world. And I do believe that God has also had a hand in bringing this about!!

“God is Light: In Him there is no darkness at all” 1 John 1:5

One thought on “Restoring our Republic: How is This Done? By the Military.

  1. thank you so much for putting my thoughts, feelings and hopes into a beautifully structured understanding of the issues at hand. I have always held a lot of faith in the statement “The military is the only way” and to that point, there is a reason we were able to see the flight path of a US plan that had something to do with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline along with so many other strategic military truths that seem to come to light in a world where darkness has prevailed for so long. As we move into the final curtain call, know that your writing’s are much needed for those looking for truth as well as those needing confirmation. God bless and sleep well.


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